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The object of the game is to make your pieces constitute a majority of the pieces on the board at the end of the game, by converting as many of your opponent's pieces as possible.. You have a table which contains a hexagon fields, 58 in total, and each player/computer starts with having three of them. You can move one or two fields in any direction. If you move one, you get the new one and the one you have filled stays untouched. If you jump two spaces, you loose the first one, and get only the second one. Every field that borders to the one you just came onto becomes yours. The winner is the one who has the most fields at the endgame, or the one that stand alone, in which case he gots all 58 fields

Game Details

Hexxagon is an addictive and abstract strategy board gameboard game that involves play by two parties on a hexagonal grid. The two parties attempt to control the majority of spaces on a customizable board by spreading, jumping and infecting. Spreading involves adding a new piece adjacent to an existing one. Jumping means moving a piece two spaces away. Whenever a piece is placed adjacent to opposing pieces these are infected, meaning replaced with friendly ones.

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